Being diagnosed with dementia is an emotional rollercoaster, whether it be a loved one or yourself. Sharing your stories and experiences with others can help you make connections with those who are also dealing with dementia. It also enables you to build a support system and community for yourself. Your story also helps those who have been recently diagnosed to understand what dealing with dementia means.
Our website’s main focus is to spread awareness about dementia and provide resources. Your story can help us accomplish this. If you would like your story to be featured on our website please contact us and we will publish your story with your full consent.
Family Stories:
Stories of those who have a loved one dealing with dementia, and they are currently caring for or have cared for them.
My Stories:
Stories of those who are currently dealing with dementia in their own words.
Caregiver Stories:
Stories of caregivers who are currently caring for or have cared for a dementia patient.